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Norwegian Cruise Line has replaced all single-use plastic beverage bottles acros

Norwegian Cruise Line has replaced all single-use plastic beverage bottles with plant-based carton containers across its fleet. As a result, Norwegian will be eliminating over six million single-use plastic water bottles a year. This initiative is being facilitated in partnership with JUST® Goods, Inc. a global consumer goods company dedicated to producing responsibly sourced products, contained in sustainable packaging.

This achievement is one of the latest efforts driven by Norwegian’s Sail & Sustain Environmental Program, which asserts the company's commitment to protecting our environment and oceans. In 2018, Norwegian eliminated single-use plastic straws across its fleet and private destinations. In addition, Norwegian is working to eliminate single-use plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles later this year.

"This is a very special and very proud moment for us," said Harry Sommer, president and chief executive officer of Norwegian Cruise Line. "As a leading cruise line, we are thrilled to make such an impact by eliminating single-use beverage bottles across our fleet. It's just one of the ways we are working to preserve our oceans and the destinations we visit. While this is just the beginning of what we and others can do, we are incredibly committed to our Sail & Sustain program and believe wholeheartedly in the importance of preserving our natural resources. We will continue to strive towards making environmentally conscious decisions to benefit our earth."

Envisioned and founded by American rapper, songwriter, actor and activist Jaden Smith and family, JUST takes an innovative approach to sourcing and packaging the world's most valued resource - water. La revolucionaria compañía se enfoca en un modelo de impacto, en el que se tiene en cuenta la procedencia del agua y el modo de envasarla. JUST es 100% agua de manantial envasada en cajas de cartón ecológicas. La caja está hecha de materiales 82% renovables; el cartón está hecho de árboles que crecen en bosques administrados con responsabilidad y la tapa y parte superior están hechas de plástico elaborado a partir de la caña de azúcar. Es recargable y reciclable. JUST has a global presence with bottling facilities in Glens Falls, NY; Ballymena, Northern Ireland; and Ballarat, Australia, thus allowing the company to meet demand around the world without shipping water from a single production source. JUST takes care to use the most efficient shipping options available.