Detalles de excursión en tierra

The Walled City Of Londonderry

Belfast, Irlanda del Norte

The Walled City Of Londonderry


  • 8
    horas Duración estimada
  • Comida

Drive to the walled city of Derry – it made news headlines back in 1972 when British troops shot and killed 13 demonstrators. Today, it enjoys the freedom of a small, compact and developing city. Visit St. Columb’s Cathedral, which was constructed in the early 17th century, it has a fine spire and a total of 13 bells. In the vestibule is a mortar shell which fell in the churchyard during the Siege of Derry in 1689. Walk along the city walls with guided commentary as you go. From the top of the walls you can see the Bogside, a Catholic area with a famous mural that announces, “You are now entering free Derry”. At Union Hall Place, you’ll visit the Tower Museum. "The Story of Derry" tells the colorful and dramatic history of the city from earliest history to the present. The museum includes an exhibition depicting the history of the civil rights march through Derry in 1972, which later became known as Bloody Sunday.

The top of the Tower Museum provides the only open air viewing facility in the heart of the city center with stunning panoramic views of the inner city and river Foyle. Following lunch enjoy some free time to explore the city before rejoining your coach for your return journey to port.

Need to Know:

Note: There is approximately 1 mile of walking (up to one hour) along the city walls with some uneven parts and approximately 100 steps.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Hitos históricos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve physical exertion for extended periods of time; can involve uneven or steep terrain or swimming in a light current. Recommended only for physically fit and adventurous travelers.
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