Detalles de excursión en tierra

Niza y vista desde Eze

Cannes, Francia

Niza y vista desde Eze


  • 71/2
    horas Duración estimada

Relax during your drive from Cannes to Nice by highway. As you enter the city, you'll drive along the Promenade des Anglais, a lovely palm lined boulevard stretching three miles along the Baie des Anges. Visit the old city and walk along the Cours Saleya, an elegant promenade with its famous flower market.

Continue by way of the Middle Corniche, with its superb views of the coast, towards the medieval village of Eze, perched on a craggy peak above the Mediterranean. As this town is closed to traffic, there will be time for a brief walk along the narrow stone streets before returning to your ship. Visit Fragonard perfume factory where you will discover the art of the perfume creation. You will see the laboratories where the products are crafted. Some free time will be allowed to browse in the shop.

Need to Know:

Note: There is approximately 2 miles of walking on this tour. It is flat in Nice, but uphill and stair climbing over cobblestones in Eze. During summer months expect extreme heat, crowded venues and long lines. We recommend that you wear comfortable shoes, sun protection and drink plenty of water. Flower market in Nice only during the morning.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Tours por la ciudad y panorámicos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Los tours de este nivel requieren una considerable actividad física, como largas caminatas por calles de adoquines o terrenos pronunciados o irregulares, subir escaleras o pasar mucho tiempo de pie. No recomendado para personas con limitaciones físicas. Se recomienda usar calzado cómodo y resistente.
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