Detalles de excursión en tierra

Misty Fjord & Wilderness Explorer - Round Trip

Ketchikan (Ward Cove), Alaska

Misty Fjord & Wilderness Explorer - Round Trip


  • 6
    horas Duración estimada
  • Recomendado para la familia
  • Accesibilidad limitada


Cruise on the Wilderness Explorer expedition vessel through Misty Fjords, a waterway that ancient glaciers carved out of the rugged landscape, leaving behind a natural wonderland of sheer vertical cliffs, roaring waterfalls and endless beauty. To reach the fjords, you will pass through Revillagigedo Channel and proceed into the Behm Canal, a waterway where orcas, seals and porpoises are often spotted. Occasional stops will be made along the way to view an active bald eagle’s nest and New Eddystone Rock, an immense volcanic spire that rises above the sea. While cruising through Rudyerd Bay, the naturalist will describe the natural history and point out seabirds that may be nesting in the soaring granite cliffs.

• Cruise through beautiful glacially formed Misty Fjords.
• Look for whales, orcas, seals and other marine life.
• Pause to see a bald eagle nest, and a volcanic spire.

• Dress warmly in layered clothing.
• Bring a rainproof jacket to wear topside.
• Wear comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: The ride from the pier to the Misty Fjords is approximately 1 hour (30 minutes each way – 1 hour round trip). Guests may be required to walk up to 100 yards to the boat. Although wildlife sightings are common, they are not guaranteed. This tour operates in all weather conditions. This tour may not always be exclusive to guests of the cruise line. This tour starts at Ward Cove and ends in downtown Ketchikan. Guests will take the free shuttles back to Ward Cove to return to the cruise ship. Guests are encouraged to wear warm comfortable layers, and bring a waterproof jacket and binoculars. Lift buses are not able to accommodate Motorized Scooters, however manual wheelchairs can be used.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Hitos históricos
Tours en zonas indómitas

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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