Detalles de excursión en tierra

Totem Bight State Park & Lumberjack Show

Ketchikan (Ward Cove), Alaska

Totem Bight State Park & Lumberjack Show


  • 41/4
    horas Duración estimada
  • Recomendado para la familia
  • Accesibilidad limitada

Your professional guide will provide you with lively narration and share the unique history of Ketchikan as you drive along the scenic Tongass Narrows in route to Totem Bight State Park, home to one of the world's largest stand of totems. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Tongass National Rainforest under the canopy of majestic hemlock and cedar trees. At the end of the trail, you’ll be impressed by the large collection of totem poles that your driver/guide will bring to life for you. Through entertaining stories and narrative, you’ll learn about the culture and lifestyles practiced by the northwest coastal Natives and have a chance to enter an authentic Native clan house. During your brief stop at the quaint Alaska Totem Trading store, you’ll have an opportunity to shop and view beautifully carved totems along with a collection of vintage automobiles. Returning to town, catch a glimpse of Ketchikan's colorful past as you drive past Creek Street, the historic red-light district.

Finally, it’s time to enjoy the 'The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show'! Hardy lumberjacks gather in this partially covered and heated outdoor arena, to compete in various logging events for you. Crowd favorites like log rolling, ax-throws and speed-climbing events will bring you out of your seat, as you cheer your lumberjack on. Many world champion athletes, as seen on ESPN and the Travel Channel, spend their summers in Ketchikan and will be performing in this great show.

Need to Know:

Note: Please note that there may be a short wait prior to the Lumberjack Show. Time can be spent on your own or in the rustic company store located at the Lumberjack Show. Tour may operate in reverse. Lift buses are not able to accommodate Motorized Scooters, however manual wheelchairs can be used. This tour includes approximately half a mile of walking on hard packed gravel trails with some uneven areas and inclines to navigate.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Hitos históricos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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