Detalles de excursión en tierra

Pompeya y la encantadora Sorrento

Nápoles, Italia

Pompeya y la encantadora Sorrento


  • 8 horas

After departing from the pier, you will enjoy a leisurely drive along the Bay of Naples and on to Sorrento, a city of Renaissance palazzi and charming pedestrian lanes. A meandering walk will take you to a woodworking studio, where craftsmen will likely demonstrate the art of intarsia or wood inlay, which has long been associated with Sorrento. Free time follows, during which you might browse the museums and boutiques. Ceramic tableware, casual fashions and intarsia jewelry boxes are among the most popular items.

Then, it's on to Pompeii, a Roman town forever known for the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius that buried it under ash and pumice in 79 A.D. After free time to explore on your own and perhaps watch artisans create cameos, you will tour the ruins. The excavations have unearthed a snapshot of life here nearly 2,000 year ago. Buildings are largely intact, frescoes adorn the villas and everyday objects are scattered about, just as they were when the volcano erupted. Expect to see ancient baths, temples and residences with intricate mosaic floors. It's an eye-opening look into ancient life, one you will remember long after returning to Naples.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes approximately 3 hours of walking/standing; there will be some inclines and cobblestone surfaces to negotiate plus any additional walking at the guests' discretion during free time. The tour is not available to wheelchair guests and is not be suitable for those with mobility concerns who are cautioned to carefully evaluate their personal level of stamina and ability. Weather appropriate clothing; sun cap; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Due to traffic restrictions in Sorrento, a short walk from the motorcoach drop off point to the main center is required each way.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Hitos históricos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Los tours de este nivel requieren una considerable actividad física, como largas caminatas por calles de adoquines o terrenos pronunciados o irregulares, subir escaleras o pasar mucho tiempo de pie. No recomendado para personas con limitaciones físicas. Se recomienda usar calzado cómodo y resistente.
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