Detalles de excursión en tierra

Glamis Castle & St. Andrews

Edimburgo (Newhaven), Escocia

Glamis Castle & St. Andrews


  • 83/4
    horas Duración estimada

Travel to Glamis Castle, a royal residence since 1372, reputed to be the most haunted stately home in Britain. It was the childhood home of the late Queen Mother and birthplace of Princess Margaret. Your tour of the interior shows you many of the rooms open to the public. Walking through the door leading from the dining room to the crypt is to pass in a few seconds from the era of Queen Victoria to the Middle Ages.

The most splendid room in the castle is the drawing room. Together, the rooms present an array of china, paintings, tapestries and furniture spanning five centuries. In the grounds stand a pair of wrought-iron gates made for the Queen Mother on her 80th birthday. Leaving Glamis Castle, you continue via the impressive bridge crossing the River Tay to the town of St. Andrews, international home of golf. During free time here you can browse amongst the many shops specializing in golf memorabilia, have lunch on your own, or walk across the famous 18th green to capture some of the atmosphere of the great matches played here over the years.

Need to Know:

Note: Tour involves approximately 1.5 miles of walking over gravel terrain and managing 55 steps.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Hitos históricos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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