Detalles de excursión en tierra

Sitka's Great Hiking Adventure

Sitka, Alaska, EE.UU.

Sitka's Great Hiking Adventure


  • 51/2
    horas Duración estimada
  • Edad
  • Altura
  • Peso

Cruise to a trailhead in America’s largest national forest and then hike to a pristine lake, where you may kayak, fish or simply relax around the crackling campfire. The adventure begins with an immensely scenic boat ride of about five miles to Camp Coogan Bay and then on to a trailhead that offers easy access into the pristine wonderland of Tongass National Forest. You can expect to hike under a canopy of towering hemlock, spruce and cedar trees that shade an understory of evergreens. Along the way, the guide will point out the most interesting flora and fauna and describe their roles in the ecosystem. In time, you will hike past a waterfall, eventually arriving at a pristine mountain lake, where you will enjoy free time. Few places are as peaceful and majestic as the Tongass National Forest, an area that avid outdoorsman Theodore Roosevelt established as president in the early 1900s.

• Cruise through pristine bay waters to a trailhead in the Tongass National Forest.
• Follow a winding trail through Tongass, the world’s largest intact rainforest.
• Observe the flora and fauna that the naturalist guide points out and describes.
• Pause at a waterfall on the way to a mountain lake.
• Enjoy time to do as you please while at the mountain lake.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: No heavy perfume or cologne allowed. Hiking is on natural trails, some steep, muddy and slippery. Hiking at least 45 minutes each way. Participants must be able bodies, active and mobile. Restrooms are available prior to departure. Boots, raingear, backpacks and a snack lunch provided. Minimum age is 7 years, maximum weight is 250 lbs. There are no height restrictions however there are some low ceilings in the floathouse at 6"2".

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:


Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve physical exertion for extended periods of time; can involve uneven or steep terrain or swimming in a light current. Recommended only for physically fit and adventurous travelers.
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