Detalles de excursión en tierra

Panoramic Alesund & Skodje Bridges

Alesund, Noruega

Panoramic Alesund & Skodje Bridges


  • 21/2
    horas Duración estimada


Settle in for a scenic drive into the countryside and on to the pedestrian-only Skodje bridges, where you can walk about and enjoy a closer look at the natural wonders. Once you leave Ålesund, the views will become considerably more rural as the surrounding landscape is sparsely populated and undeveloped. The majority of the route will be coastal and occasionally pass through little villages such as Magerholm, which overlooks the lengthy waterway Storfjord. Once you reach the Skodje bridges, you will spend free time exploring on your own. Built with cobblestone in the early 1900s, they are no longer suitable for vehicular traffic, but ideal for walking. Both bridges offer spectacular views of the surrounding natural beauty. You will return to Ålesund following a different route that loops through the island of Ellingsøya. During the panoramic drive through town, you will see the prevailing Art Nouveau architecture and Ålesund Church, which is clad in Norwegian marble.


• Behold the natural beauty that surrounds Ålesund on a panoramic drive through the countryside.
• Spend free time admiring the views while walking across the pedestrian-only Skodje bridges.
• Follow a different but equally scenic route back to Ålesund.
• Enjoy a driving tour through Ålesund that focuses on its Art Nouveau architecture.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes a moderate amount of walking mainly at the guest's discretion. The walk on Skodje Bridges is optional and they can be viewed from the viewing platform for any guests not wishing to walk on the actual bridges. The walk is approximately 2.5km and mainly flat. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair, can make their way on and off the coach and have a companion to assist them.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:


Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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