Detalles de excursión en tierra

Panoramic Baie Comeau With Sainte Amelie

Baie Comeau, Canadá

Panoramic Baie Comeau With Sainte Amelie


  • 21/4
    horas Duración estimada
  • Accesibilidad limitada


Settle in for scenic drive through Baie Comeau and come away with a remarkably in-depth understanding of how this area developed. As an introduction to the natural beauty, you will pause at the St-Pancrace overlook, which offers the ultimate view of the sparkling bay. The architectural splendor of Baie Comeau will take center stage as you pass the Tudor-style St-Andrew & St-George church and the Pavilion Mance, a former school that now serves as a cultural venue. The design of the Sainte-Amélie church is even more outstanding. While browsing the interior, you will behold the abundance of spectacular frescoes on the ceiling – more than five times the number on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. You will also hear the odd story of why the Italian artist that painted the frescoes was imprisoned during World War II. Free time follows along Place La Salle, a historical street lined with shops and restaurants.


• Enjoy a sweeping view of the surrounding natural beauty from the St-Pancrace overlook.
• Behold the wealth of amazing frescoes painted on the ceiling of Sainte-Amélie church.
• Pass the Tudor-style church that was the first place of worship in Baie Comeau.
• Spend free time browsing the shops along Place La Salle and stay longer if you wish.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour is primarily panoramic in nature with walking at the guest’s discretion during stops. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair, can make their way on and off the coach and have a companion to assist them. Cancellations made within 3 days or less are subject to a 100% cancellation penalty.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:

Tours por la ciudad y panorámicos

Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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