Detalles de excursión en tierra

Thermal Lake Jetboat And Hells Gate Experience

Tauranga, Nueva Zelanda

Thermal Lake Jetboat And Hells Gate Experience


  • 6
    horas Duración estimada
  • Accesibilidad


Zip around a geothermally heated lake in a jetboat and get an even closer look at the power and heat below the earth’s surface at Hell’s Gate. The collapse of a volcanic magma chamber thousands of years ago created a caldera that became Lake Rotorua once it filled with water. As you cruise along the shoreline, you will notice clouds of steam, sulfur in the air and an unusual greenish-blue tint to the water. They are all the result of the geothermal activity that continues today beneath the surface. The entire surrounding region sits within the Pacific Ring of Fire, one of the world’s most active geothermal fields. That volcanic activity is even more apparent at Hell’s Gate. While walking through this reserve, you will see billowing steam, bubbling pools of warm mud and even a hot waterfall. Hell’s Gate is also a spa of sorts, as its nutrient-rich mud baths have natural healing powers.


• Explore an exceptionally active geothermal area within the Pacific Ring of Fire.
• See clouds of geothermal steam rising from Lake Rotorua as you race across it on a jetboat.
• Walk through a hellish landscape of hissing steam vents and bubbling mud bathes at Hell’s Gate.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes approximately 1 mile of walking over gravel terrain with slight inclines. The tour is not considered suitable for wheelchair guests or those guests with recent back or neck injuries, and pregnant women. . Weather appropriate clothing and flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

Mira las


Tipo de excursión:


Nivel de actividad:

Título de imagen
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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