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Blog de viajes oficial de Norwegian

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Cuando uno piensa en un destino de ensueño para sus vacaciones en crucero, es posible que América del Sur no sea el primer continente que le venga a la mente. However, cruisingcruising South America is the perfect way to see it! Visitarás varios países, vivirás aventuras únicas y pasarás por costas deslumbrantes. Incluso puedes elegir un itinerario que incluya un crucero por la Antártida.

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5 Unconventional Excursions to Try on Your Next Cruise

When considering a cruise, images of lavish buffets, all-night entertainment, and luxury spa treatments often come to mind. With Norwegian Cruise Line, these amenities and more await you. However, your onboard experience is only half of a total cruise vacation experience. When sailing Norwegian, be prepared to savor adventures, visiting some of the world's most famous cities and natural wonders through Norwegian's shore excursions.

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Los mejores cruceros para los amantes de la gastronomía

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about going on a Vacaciones En Crucero? Is it exploring historic sites or shopping for souvenirs in exciting ports of call? Perhaps it's the vibrant nightlife or invigorating spa rituals available on your ship. While these are amazing answers, there's one thing that stands above all else for many cruisers - the food. Desde preparar tu propia salsa en México hasta degustar mariscos frescos en Alaska, Norwegian Cruise Line te ofrece la oportunidad de deleitar tu paladar en cruceros culinarios destinados a los amantes de la gastronomía de todo el mundo.

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Montevideo, Uruguay

Have you imagined exploring some of South America's most impressive natural wonders and pristine landscapes? Or, maybe you want to try iconic South American dishes, learn about the continent's award-winning wines, or become immersed in the Latin culture. No matter what is drawing you to South America, Norwegian Cruise Line can take you there. With South American cruise itineraries that include vibrant cities like Río de Janeiro or ones that take you to see the impressive penguin colonies of the Islas Falkland (Malvinas), there is no shortage of excitement on a 2021 South America cruise.

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Cruceros en América del Sur durante 2021 con Norwegian: Ushuaia, Argentina

A medida que se reanudan los viajes, Norwegian Cruise Line se prepara para que los pasajeros vivan una experiencia de crucero mucho mejor en 2021. Estamos esperando la temporada con una serie de itinerarios fascinantes y más amplios. Si alguna vez soñaste con viajar en un crucero a América del Sur, no hay mejor momento para reservar que ahora mismo. Te mostramos lo que puedes encontrar cuando intentes delimitar tus opciones de cruceros en América del Sur para el 2021..

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Anuncio de los itinerarios 2020-2021 de Norwegian Cruise Line

If you’re ready to plan ahead for the best vacations, you’ll be excited to know that Norwegian Cruise Line has announced its newest cruise itineraries for winter 2020-2021, which are now open for sale. Highlights include sister ships Norwegian Joy and Norwegian Encore crucero desde Miami to The Caribbean, Norwegian Escape’s debut in Port Canaveral, and Norwegian Epic’s return to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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How to See the Wonders of the World by Cruising

After a seven-year period and with over 100 million votes cast worldwide, the New Seven Wonders of the World were chosen in 2007 from a ballot consisting of 200 awe-inspiring possibilities. You can visit all of these impressive wonders - with only one exception - on fabulous Vacaciones En Crucero with Norwegian Cruise Line. In fact, there's even one cruise where you can visit two wonders with just one exhilarating itinerary. Wouldn't that be something worth sending a postcard home about? So just where are the extraordinary New Seven Wonders of the World? Let's take a look.

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South America Cruises to Explore with Norwegian

South America offers an array of amazing destinations and landscapes to explore. Norwegian's South American cruise itineraries offer you many diverse and exciting experiences. Discover the remarkable natural flora and fauna of the Amazon rainforest. Learn about the ancient and mysterious Inca civilization of Machu Picchu. Tango along to the searing hot beats at one of the many Buenos Aires dance clubs. 

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Cruceros épicos para añadir a tu lista de deseos

Las listas de deseos han sido populares durante décadas y los cruceros figuran entre los deseos más frecuentemente incluidos por personas de todas las edades.  No solo te permiten pasar tiempo en mar abierto, sino que también te ofrecen múltiples destinos con más comodidad y la posibilidad de disfrutar de una experiencia económica y lujosa. Si bien todos los cruceros ofrecen vacaciones increíbles y una gran variedad de actividades, estos son algunos de los cruceros más épicos y únicos que deberías agregar a tu lista deseos.

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Paris, France - Destinations You'd Never Think to Experience on a Cruise

When you think of a cruise, many destinations may come to mind including the El Caribe y Alaska. But there are less obvious choices for cruise destinations, even where cruising just might be your better option overall for a few reasons including the bang for your buck that cruising provides; the variety of places you can visit instead of being stuck in just one; and the very special bonus of unpacking only once. Here are 7 destinations you’d never think to experience on a cruise.

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Un viaje en crucero a América del Sur, rodeando el Cabo de Hornos como lo hicieron los primeros exploradores, es una experiencia única en la vida. Durante el recorrido harás paradas en muchos puertos y querrás ver lo mejor que cada destino tiene para ofrecer. Hemos hecho una lista con lo más destacado de América del Sur para ayudarte en tu aventura meridional.

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Cruceros a Santiago, Chile

Aunque quizá un crucero a América del Sur no sea lo primero en lo que pienses cuando te imagines un viaje en alta mar, pronto podría convertirse en uno de tus favoritos. With breathtaking sights of the snow-capped Andes and various landmarks to visit, Santiago offers a unique kind of destination, as it brims with culture and natural beauty. Santiago es la capital de Chile, así que lógicamente hay muchísimos museos, restaurantes y monumentos históricos para que conozcas un poco del arte y la gastronomía del lugar. Pero hay muchísimo más para vivir en un viaje a Chile, por eso aquí comparto tres actividades que querrás incorporar a tu día.

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